Friday 14 December 2012

Another Bad Day at School

My son came out of school really upset again yesterday. He was crying.

A boy in his class left at the end of last term to go to a new school and my son found it really hard to cope with the change. My son considered the boy to be his friend, as he was often chosen to be his partner during schoolwork. He keeps asking me why the boy left and he gets really sad about it.

Anyway, apparently, this boy sent a letter to the class and the teacher read it out. The opened up the wounds again for my son, who was inconsolable.

He also was upset because the resident bully had been picking on him yet again. When I went into the school, I got a good look at this boy who had been bullying my son and he was not your typical bully. He was obviously a very bright boy, very articulate and not particularly big and strong. I think he was in the top group for literacy and maths, the total opposite of my son. He looked like butter wouldn't melt.

So at lunchtime, when my son usually wanders around alone, bully boy decided to round up a few other kids to laugh at my son and run away. This got my son really agitated and angry, which further fuelled the boys.

I spoke to the teacher about it and she talked to the bully again today. Now it is the third time he has been reported, they are going to take the matter seriously.

We will wait and see.

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