Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Return to CAMHS

 Some time last year, I wrote about our uneventful visit to CAHMS. During the visit, my son sat like an angel, which resulted in us being quickly discharged and dismissed!

This time was different. During THIS visit, my son was his usual bouncy self. He shouted, he spun round and round, he interrupted and he told the counsellor that he was boring...

The funniest moment was when the counsellor started a sentence and my son interrupted him.

 Man: Your son is a child...

Son: WHAT???. Obviously I'm a child! What are you talking about?

Me: He hadn't finished his sentence. Just listen.

Man: Your son is a child...

Son: You already said that. I am a child.

Me: Just let the man talk!

Man: ...your son is a child who has needs that we can address here at CAHMS.

I was so relieved that the poor man got to finish his sentence, although he did indicate that my sons constant shuffling, interruptions and lack of understanding of danger may be symptoms of ADHD. Further sessions with specialists may reveal a further diagnosis.

It was an eventful visit and we have been out on a waiting list to have further sessions.

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