Monday 22 April 2013

My Little Star Won a Prize!

SO proud of my little boy today. He won an award in assembly for his writing skills. The teacher was so proud of him because, despite his autism, he was able to put himself into character to write a letter for their topic on Vikings. Here is the letter that he wrote:

Dear Mom,

How are you? I miss you so much but I'm having fun with Alfred. The farm here is full of cows. How are the cows at home?

My new friend King Alfred is a bit bossy and a good fighter. He has a very sharp sword which he keeps hanging out of his belt.

King Alfred still feels bad about burning the cakes. But he burned the deer meat.

You send me a letter soon. I cant wait to hear your news.



  1. Wow! That's brill!
    Well done little man!
    I've also started a blog about parenting a child with autism, its

    1. Your blog is lovely, although I am trying to work out how to follow it. I can't find the icon!
      Your little boy is gorgeous.
