Tuesday 28 May 2013

Sense of Humour.

Jokes and humour are often lost on people with Autism and Aspergers as they cannot always understand what is funny about what is being said. My son reminds me a bit of Data from Star Trek when it comes to jokes.

He came home from school and said he had read a joke in his book, but he didn't understand it.

"Doctor Doctor, I feel like a pack of cards".

"I'll deal with you later".

Once I explained the joke to him, he couldn't stop laughing. He kept telling the joke over and over again. He now keeps making his own jokes, which are sometimes so bad, they are actually funny.

He has a little formula for inventing jokes, which usually involves changing a letter in a word. Here are some of his favourites, that he made up himself:

What do you call Simon Cowell if he is angry?
Simon Growl.

What do you call Simon Cowell if he was something that you dry your hands on in the swimming baths?
Simon Towel.

What do you call a horse that likes Star Wars?
A Force.

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